Tuesday 16 October 2012

Frugi Clothes

I have recently taken delivery of my very first Frugi delivery - a very proud moment!  I have loved Frugi clothes for a long time, my children have always worn them and now I get to sell them at Organic Tots! 

Frugi are a very well respected brand who create fun and beautiful organic clothes for babies and children.  They were originally called cut4cloth and were formed by Lucy and Kurt in 2004 because there were no ethical clothes on the market for babies who wore cloth nappies.  The brand has developed since then and the name has changed to Frugi (which means fruit of the earth in Latin) and they now create clothes for little ones which will fit both cloth nappies and disposables.  They also create clothes for children up to the age of 8 and breastfeeeding tops.  Their clothes are always bright, fun and stylish.  Plus they are all very well made with incredible attention to detail.  It is important to Frugi that the children will want to wear their clothes so they are always very soft, strong and hard wearing (not scratchy or tight). 

I have now added my order to the website and in doing so I have checked and felt every item.  I like to know exactly how everything looks and feels before I add them to the site and I can honestly say I love it all!  The clothes really are as soft and strong as I describe and they look fabulous!

I also ensure that my children try out some of the clothes so I can genuinely confirm my descriptions of the clothes.

My daughter had great fun trying on her new pyjamas which are huge!  She will be four in November and all of her old pyjamas are getting quite small for her so I gave her a pair in age 4-5 and they have a lot of room for growth!  They are also very very soft and I am reliably informed very snuggly!  She certainly slept well in them!

I also gave her a dress which she adores - again it is still a little big for her (but that did not stop her insisting she wore it 3 days in a row!!)  She wore it at the weekend on a very muddy walk in the woods with her boots.  And not only did she look gorgeous, she was warm and comfortable.

My son wore the orange campervan top which looked great, and I assume by the fact he refused to wear his coat that it too was very warm

There are many more Frugi clothes at Organic Tots.  We offer free delivery on everything.

1 comment:

  1. I also like that I don't see these around much so my baby has something unique :)

    Organic Clothing Web
